Date: Wed Aug 30, 2000 3:27pm Hi! I'm 23 and I think I've been having Prozac withdrawls for a few months now. I've been sick for about 6 months now, and took 2 pills of Prozac for about a year. The vomiting has stopped, but I still feel awful so much of the time. It takes all I can do every single day to come to work. I'm sad, angry, and just a mess all the time. It's ruining my relationship with my boyfriend of a year, and I'm so lost. I've never been able to say it to anyone else before, but I'm half afraid that I'm going to die from this, and I'm half afraid that I won't die. Does anyone understand? Please help me! Erin Thanks to all the info I've gotten through this group already though, I can get my boyfriend and family to better understand what HELL I'm going through! Erin Date: Fri Sep 29, 2000 10:37pm Hey Katie! I'm Erin, and I have Prozac withdrawls too. My entire personality has changed as well. I don't know how much help I can provide, but maybe I could give you some insight as to how your friend feels. I was always the nicest, most honest, funniest person around, I was always going out and constantly with my friends. I'm pretty sure I've battled depression my whole life, but when my Grandma died it got awful. I started taking Prozac and it was great, changed my life and put me back together... or so I thought. I turned into a HUGE partier. I'm sure a lot of it is because I'm young and was in college at the time, but it wasn't me. Looking back I can see that. I know now that Prozac can actually make you crave alcohol and change your personality, I think that at least played a role. Anyway, I guess I took 2 pills a day for about a year and then I quit cold turkey. Not only have I been really sick since then, but I'm a completely different person now too. I get so angry so fast, my mood swings are unbearable, I'm bitter and negative all the time. I live with my boyfriend of just a little over a year, so he's only known me a short while, (me when I was actually me, you know?), and it's so hard on him. He's really good with me and tries to let a lot of things go, but he just doesn't understand. He's just now realizing that my brain doesn't work the way his does, and that's been a big help. It's just so hard when I want more than anything to be nice and sweet and go out and have fun, and I stay in a bad mood anyway. I never go out, Chris, (my boyfriend) stays with me at home. I don't want to go anywhere, and I don't want to have to deal with any people. I'm slowly getting better and I'm trying to do a lot of work on myself, but it's so hard because it's like something else is controlling me. I hate it so much!!! If you need someone to talk to though, like I said, maybe we can all help you see where your friend is coming from, and why he acts the way he does. It would be great if he could read some of our stories too. I can't tell you how much it helped me to find this group and just to know that I wasn't alone, and other people are dealing with this crap too. Sorry this got so long, I also get really scatter brained and jump from one subject to the next. Sorry!! :( I hope you and your friend make it through this! Erin